In recent years, the international community has paid more and more attention to sustainable development, and consensus has been reached all over the world. Compared with any period in the history of modern civilization, consumers are more active in changing bad habits in order to build a better world. It is a human effort aimed at the sustainable and responsible use of the earth's resources.
The theme of this wave of responsible new consumerism is traceability and transparency. That is to say, people are no longer indifferent to the source of food in their mouth. They want to know the source of food, how it is made and whether it meets the increasingly valued moral standards.
Gelatin is highly sustainable
And strictly support animal welfare standards
Gelatin is a kind of multi-functional raw material with sustainable characteristics. The most important thing about gelatin is that it comes from nature, not chemical synthesis, which is different from many other food ingredients on the market.
Another benefit that the gelatin industry can provide is that the by-products produced in the production process of gelatin can be used as feed or agricultural fertilizer, or even as fuel, which further promotes the contribution of gelatin to the "zero waste economy".

From the perspective of food manufacturers, gelatin is a multi-functional and versatile raw material, which can meet the needs of various formulations. It can be used as stabilizer, thickener or gelling agent.
Because gelatin has a variety of functions and characteristics, manufacturers do not need to add too many other additional ingredients when using gelatin to produce food. Gelatin can reduce the demand for additives, which usually contain e codes because they are not natural foods.
Post time: Apr-16-2021