Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body and is responsible for structure, stability and strength.It supports many tissues, including your tendons and ligaments, as well as your skin and teeth (1).
While your body produces this protein on its own, its production declines with age.However, you can get dietary collagen from animal sources, including grass-fed cattle (1).
Collagen supplementation can come from a variety of animal sources, such as bovine, porcine, and marine.Cattle is a group of 10 genera including cattle, bison, African buffalo, buffalo and antelope (1).
Grass-fed means that the animal must be fed only grass or forage (except milk consumed before weaning) and is allowed to graze during the growing season until slaughter (2).
When cattle are fed grass, it means they are allowed to look around for food, such as grass or hay.
Human and animal studies suggest that bovine collagen may help prevent bone loss, reduce signs of skin aging, and improve joint health (3, 4, 5).
Nonetheless, grass-fed collagen may be more ethical, support animal welfare and reduce exposure to chemicals, antibiotics and hormones.
While generic grass-fed labelling is largely unregulated, American Grass-Fed Association (AGA) certified products are only from animals that have never been treated with antibiotics or hormones (6, 7).
Grass-fed cattle are more humanely raised because they have fewer space constraints and can roam freely (8).
In contrast, feedlot cattle have limited space, which has led to an epidemic of diseases including mastitis, leading to increased antibiotic use (8).
What’s more, grass-fed cattle operations are more ecologically sustainable.Studies have shown that they consume less energy and have a lower overall environmental impact than indoor or closed operations (8).
Grass-fed collagen may benefit your bone, skin, and joint health.Choosing grass-fed collagen ensures better animal welfare and environmental impact.
Like regular bovine collagen, the main types of grass-fed collagen supplements are hydrolyzed collagen and gelatin.
Grass-fed hydrolyzed collagen is composed of very small amino acid chains and is highly soluble—meaning it dissolves easily in water.In fact, these supplements can be dissolved in hot and cold beverages (9).
In contrast, grass-fed gelatin is derived from the partial breakdown of collagen.Although gelatin has a smaller structure than collagen, its amino acid chain is larger than that of hydrolyzed collagen, so it only dissolves in hot liquids (10).
These two types are mainly available in powder form, but hydrolyzed collagen capsules are also available.
Grass-fed hydrolyzed collagen is commonly added to smoothies, coffee or tea, while gelatin is mainly used to make fudge or to thicken desserts and sauces.
Unlike grass-fed collagen, which is derived from cattle, marine collagen is usually derived from fish, sharks, or jellyfish (11).
Grass-fed collagen mainly provides type I and type III collagen, most commonly found in bones, skin, teeth, ligaments, tendons, and blood vessels, while marine collagen mainly provides type I and type II collagen, mainly found in skin and cartilage .9, 11).
Additionally, marine collagen is more readily absorbed than other animal-based collagens, has the least risk of spreading disease, and is less likely to be inflammatory (1, 9, 11).
In addition, marine collagen is the only pestin-friendly alternative that may be preferable for people who avoid beef products for religious or personal reasons (9, 11).
The main types of grass-fed collagen supplements are hydrolyzed collagen and gelatin.For those who don’t eat beef or just want an alternative, marine collagen is also available.
However, in rare cases, some people may be allergic to bovine collagen, which can lead to an allergic reaction.This life-threatening allergic reaction causes the airways to suddenly narrow, making breathing difficult (11).
Nonetheless, bovine bone remains one of the richest sources of gelatin, accounting for 23% of gelatin production in Europe and the United States due to its low health risk (4).
There are no documented risks of consuming grass-fed collagen.However, some people may be allergic to it.
In this case, the cattle must be fed grass or forage only and have continuous use of the pasture.
While the health benefits of grass-fed collagen may be very similar to regular bovine collagen, this alternative ensures an eco-friendly product that supports animal welfare.
You may find grass-fed collagen products in capsule and powder form that you can add to hot and cold beverages.
Try this today: If you’re looking for new ways to use grass-fed gelatin powder, this sugar-free hot chocolate fudge recipe is worth a try.
Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body.It has a variety of health benefits and uses, and taking it may benefit some people.
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Post time: Jun-01-2022

