All cells in the body's immune system come from bone marrow. Recent studies have found that there is a close interaction between bone cells and human immunity. Bone cells can influence immune cells, and the immune response can interfere with bone metabolism. Bone marrow is made up of fibrous, collagen-rich connective tissue, blood vessels, nerves and cells. It is responsible for the production of various cells involved in the body's immunity, including osteoblasts and osteoclasts, which are used to regulate bone turnover, and immune cells such as white blood cells. The metabolic balance of osteoblasts and osteoclasts is not only important for bone health, but also directly affects the formation of leukocytes in bone marrow.

Scientific research shows that collagen peptide has special promoting effect on bone marrow. It can be

* Optimized regulation of osteoblast and osteoclast metabolism

* Promotes balanced bone cell metabolism and immune cell generation

* Support normal operation of bone marrow

* Promotes bone immune system interactions


Collagen peptide products support the normal operation of skin, extracellular matrix and bone marrow, which has been scientifically proven to be beneficial to human immune regulation and to consolidate the basis of human immunity. As a mild functional food, collagen does not contain allergens and has no special smell. It is an ideal natural food supplement for enhancing immunity.

Specific collagenous peptides support cell metabolism in connective tissue and optimally regulate fibroblast metabolism, thereby promoting biosynthesis of several extracellular matrix proteins (including collagen) involved in immune responses. Type I collagen is a major structural protein in the body that has immunomodulatory effects and reduces inflammation. In a 2014 study, 114 women aged 45-65 who received 2.5 grams of specific bioactive collagen peptides per day for 8 weeks showed a significant increase in type I procollagen.

Post time: Jan-05-2022

